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Confidence in Uncertainty

These are uncertain times. These are challenging times. These are even fearful times.

It takes a very bold person to state with certainty what they believe lies ahead.

Yet you do not need to be certain to be confident. And the truth is, people really need others who are confident, even though they prefer certainty.

Confidence that whatever happens, you will make a plan. Confidence that you will do everything you can to look after others. Confidence that when you lead with integrity, humility and vulnerability , you will ensure that, even if you lose the battle, you will win the war. Confidence that in difficulty, lies opportunity and that you will learn far more in losing than you ever will in winning.

Do not allow uncertainty to rob you of your confidence.

Confidence is a quiet, reassuring attitude that settles other's emotions. It takes away fear and the negative emotions that cloud judgement. Confidence is contagious.

So what is robbing you of your confidence and how do you get it back?

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