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The Danger of Easy

Facts first. Life is hard.

Hard is anything that challenges your resolve. Hard is anything that makes you feel you should give up. Hard is anything that tempts you to become bitter. Hard is your personal barrier to progress. To overcome hard requires energy. It requires motivation. It requires endurance. Overcoming hard has a cost. It is not cheap and is never free. As with everything in life you will only pay for what you value. If the value of what lies on the other side of hard is not more than the cost of achieving it, you will never pay the price.

The German philosopher, classical scholar, poet and philologist Friedrich Nietzsche is quoted as saying,

"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."

And therein lies the key.

To overcome hard you have to have a compelling reason. A purpose. A deep sense that what lies on the other side of hard is something that is worth it, it is something you deserve.

Do you know that you give up for only two reasons? You either don't value what lies ahead or you don't feel you deserve it. It is not because you are useless or unable or lazy, it is only because of perceived value; the value of your goal or the value of self.

When you pay attention to your talent, you can begin to understand what you can actually achieve with your life with something deeply embedded within you. When you realise that your talent is already a head start and that it can be trusted, you can start to explore your possibilities. And once you find a compelling enough possibility and realise your own value, hard is no longer a barrier. Hard is now a coach.

It is not hard that you should be afraid of; it is not having a compelling purpose.

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