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Work-Life Balance - Is it possible now?

Work-life balance in 2020. Totally attainable or impossible myth?

Working from home and its subsequent blurring of our personal and professional lives, not to mention the economic horrors of 2020, has highlighted the necessity of work-life balance for us as a society. But how do we find balance when home is also the office, and when what was a well-segmented day of work, errands, home and leisure is now a quagmire of all of the above, in one place? Is work-life balance really possible in these times, and if so, how?

How you find balance is related to your inner “shape”

Each of us is wired differently. We have a different internal shape, which means that we fit and flow in different ways. Balance for you is uniquely determined by this shape.

Finding balance that really is meaningful to us as individuals can be tricky – especially if our particular brand seems a little quirky to others! I have found that, unlike what popular media and society suggests, we should be looking to our energy, and not our time.

Let me explain. When you value time, you may place a higher value on how quickly you accomplish tasks or how much you can squeeze into your day. You tend to chase the sun and shove anything and everything into 24 hours – for to you this increases your intrinsic value. But what if you simply cannot do it all? Are you worth less? Are you less of a team player at the office?

I have come to believe that true balance is about energy, not time. It’s about balancing the things in your life that energise you and empower you to feel confident, strong and flowing. And that balance looks different for everyone, depending on their shape (what they are uniquely motivated by).

What if we tried to balance our energy, not our time?

You can be really great at your job, be appreciated and even well remunerated, but if your daily tasks drain you, balance become difficult and yet more and more imperative. You’ll start to feel like you’re always out of sorts.

On the other hand, if you have moments at work where you feel alive – that is, energised and strong - the hours will slip away, and you will feel like life flows better for you and you can handle any obstacle that comes your way. Though you may be physically tired at the end of the day, it won’t feel like you’ve just survived a vortex of aimless tasks, procrastination, problem intimidation or performance anxiety. You’ll be more productive and far more at peace with yourself and those around you. Sound good?

How do I bring more balance to my day?

Actively seek more ‘strong’ moments – moments where you feel confident, capable and which bring you joy. Understanding how you are wired and exactly what creates these strong moments for you is key.

It’s not just about personal boundaries and saying “no”, it’s also about what you actively pursue and say “yes” to.

Without a deep understanding of why you should say “no” to something, it becomes almost impossible to do (especially if there is external pressure to do it). Get to the bottom of what this looks like for you, so that you know that the next time you say “no” to something, you understand why - and you have a “yes” that you’re excited about.

Some people are super-charged by physically hard work, or closing deals, by leading or being part of a trusted team, or by achieving goals and ticking boxes. Others may derive their energy from silence, or from reflection, lengthy analysis or deep thought. What energises you? And how can you do more of it at work, and at home?

Autonomy, mastery and purpose

A more balanced life means actively pursuing and finding your energy in activities and actions, across work and home, that are regenerative, positive and fulfilling for you. This will offer you a greater sense of autonomy (I feel I have choice), mastery (I believe I have skill) and purpose (I feel I belong and add value). When this becomes a strong and common thread throughout your days, you’ll feel more competent, fulfilled, nourished and in command of your life, no matter what the demands are, because your tank is full.

Give yourself permission to explore what uniquely inspires and excites you, and even in the midst of this year, try to glean more of this from your day. Balance is possible - we may just need to get to know ourselves a little better!

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